Fountain, Waterscape, these magical designs, can you think of it? (I)
 Hits:516 Addtime:2017-7-21 [Print] [Back]
Most people may have a concept of water fountain, which is what I thought before, but now I know it's too small. Next, let's take a look at what the fountain looks like under the artist's design
Magic Fountain, Cadiz, Spain

At first glance, the picture, thought to be PS, actually covered the pipe with water, causing the faucet to float. (a big water tap, not too good, but it is quite creative, right?)

Water boat fountain, Valencia, Spain
The jet of water formed the sails and had a dreamy feeling. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Phantom Ship!

Texas Mustang fountain
The horse sculpture at the foot of their true to life, the water fountain simulation effect also play an important role. It looks like a wild horse crossing the river. It should look better on the lawn

Whirlpool fountain, Sunderland, UK
It comes from a fairy tale, like an enlarged version of the water we use to stir the water in a cup with chopsticks. (vortex coming)

South Korea, Seoul, the Banpo bridge fountain
The world's longest bridge fountain, nearly 10000 LED nozzles, 1140 meters long on both sides, the water is directly extracted from the river, and constantly cycle. (quite spectacular)

Nine floating fountain, Osaka, Japan
Landscape designer Ishino Mitsumi created in Osaka, World Expo, in 1970. The fountain looked as if it were flying, and it still looked attractive for more than 40 years. Is this the city of air?

Diver fountain, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
24 meters high, in the Dubai Mall in Arabia, United Arab Emirates, decorated with scuba glass sculptures and through the four floor of an indoor shopping area. (it is brave or die)

Sherlock fountain of metal form
7.6 meters high, consisting of more than twenty-two independently rotating stainless steel plates, arranged periodically to form a huge head. When the plate is aligned, the water is ejected from the head of the mouth. (reminds me of the water sprinkling teapot in West Lake)