Magical nature -- Iceland fountain
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The largest geyser in Iceland is the geyser, with a natural geyser at the far northwest of the southern plains of Iceland, near the Beh Ilkka Darren residence in P O Dens, southwest of Iceland. The area is a large fountain with hot springs rising everywhere, hot as smoke and fog. Many hot spots can be visited, including fountains, color pools, jet holes, etc.

When the fountain is stopped, it is a circular hot water pond with a diameter of about 20 meters and a depth of about 1.5 meters. In a hot pool at the top of Si Hua Qiu, a hot water nozzle Tang central, about 3 meters in diameter, depth of 20 meters above. The pond is filled with clear green hot springs, and the surface water temperature is up to 76~90 degrees. For more than 200 years, the fountain height has changed greatly. In the middle of nineteenth Century and the early twentieth Century, the activity is very strong. The maximum time of jet grouting is up to 70 meters. It lasts about 10 minutes, and the spray height is 25 meters at the lowest. The number of eruptions decreased and the intensity of activity decreased significantly around 1900. Since the beginning of 1916 dormancy, again in 1935 activities, is located in nearby Fountain Geyser and Kerr Stowe Luo large fountain in the same crack, Izumiguchi suborbicular, about 4 meters in diameter, spray water on the ground before excited about 1.5 meters below, intermittent period is about 10 to 15 minutes, up to 18 ~ 20 meters high spray the column diameter of 3 ~ 4 meters.

The Iceland Geyser in Iceland is located about 70 km northeast of Iceland, capital of Reykjavik. It is located in the mountain valley below meters above sea level northwest of Mount Hai volcano, which is less than 100 meters above sea level. It began to hibernate in 1916 and renewed in 1935.