Suzhou Bay reading Lake Taiwan large-scale musical fountain water show
 Hits:510 Addtime:2018-1-2 [Print] [Back]

Did you go to the last scene of the 2017 Suzhou Bay music fountain? No, it doesn't matter. In 2018, the Gulf of Suzhou to Lake large music fountain water show "Taihu" is the interpretation of rhyme show will continue to open! Recently, the opening schedule of the January 2018 -3 month has gone out of the oven. It's still on Saturday with you! In addition to every Saturday, the new year's day and the Spring Festival holiday will also be open. This calculation, the first show in 2018 in January 1st! Do you make an appointment?

In order to meet the strong desire of the citizens and tourists to watch the Suzhou Bay reading Lake Taiwan large musical fountain water, it shows Taihu "Rhyme", 2018, 1-3 months will continue to open the interpretation of the music fountain Lake reading station.